ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stato da Mar

Imagine a big world with some parts being close to land and some parts being in the middle of the ocean. When there were no airplanes or cars, people used boats to travel from one place to another. When they were in the middle of the ocean, they would sometimes encounter bad weather, like storms or high waves, that could be very dangerous. To make sure everyone on the boat was safe, the captain would sometimes declare a "stato da mar," which means "state of the sea" in Italian. This meant that everyone on the boat had to be very careful and stay in one place, so the boat wouldn't tip over or lose control. It was like a warning that something bad might happen if people didn't listen to the captain's orders. So, when you hear about "stato da mar," remember that it's a safety measure that helps protect everyone on the boat while they're on the ocean!