ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Status of First Nations treaties in British Columbia

Okay kiddo, so a long time ago, before Canada was even a country, there were a bunch of different First Nations people living in what is now British Columbia. They had their own way of living and their own laws, but then the Europeans came and started taking over their land.

The First Nations people didn't want to be completely pushed out, so they made treaties with the Europeans. These treaties were kind of like promises - the First Nations people promised to share their land and resources with the Europeans, and in return the Europeans promised to respect the First Nations people and their way of life.

But unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. The Europeans didn't always follow the treaties and didn't always respect the First Nations people. They took over more and more land, and made laws that hurt the First Nations people. This caused a lot of pain and problems for the First Nations people and they have been fighting for their rights ever since.

Today, the status of the First Nations treaties in British Columbia is still kind of complicated. Some of the treaties were never fully implemented, which means that the promises made in the treaties were not always kept. The First Nations people are still fighting for their rights and to have their treaties respected.

It's an ongoing struggle, but with the help of allies and supporters, the First Nations people of British Columbia will hopefully be able to achieve justice and respect for their treaties.