ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Statutory body

A statutory body is a special group of grown-ups that are created by the government to do important things like protect people, make rules, and help everyone live together nicely. They are different from superheroes or cartoon characters because they are real people who work hard to make sure everybody is happy and safe.

The government makes these groups by passing a law, which basically means that everyone agrees that they need to create a group of grown-ups that handle a certain job or task. For example, one statutory body might be responsible for making sure that people have clean water to drink, another might be responsible for making sure that people can travel safely on the roads, and another might be responsible for protecting animals and plants.

These grown-ups who make up the statutory bodies are called members, and they are all really good at what they do because they have a lot of experience and knowledge. They work together to make decisions based on what is best for everyone, not just one person or group. Sometimes they might even have to change their rules or laws to make things better for people, but they always make sure they are fair and just.

So, think about statutory bodies like grown-up teams who work together to make the world a better place, just like how you and your friends work together to play and have fun.