ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stavros Niarchos

Stavros Niarchos was a man who lived a long time ago who was very rich and famous. He had a lot of money because his family was really good at making ships and selling things. Stavros was born in Greece, which is a country far away from where we live.

Stavros didn't just keep all his money to himself though, he liked to help other people too. He gave some of his money to hospitals, schools and other places that needed it.

One thing that Stavros really loved to do was to collect art. Art is when people make pretty paintings, sculptures or drawings. Stavros had a very big collection of art that was worth a lot of money.

Stavros was also really good at horseback riding. Do you know what that is? It's when you ride on a horse and make it do special movements like running fast, jumping or going through obstacle courses. Stavros was so good at this that he competed in big competitions and won lots of medals!

Even though Stavros is no longer living today, people still remember him for all the good things he did and the things he loved. People can go see the art he collected in museums and maybe even be inspired to help others like he did!