ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Steamboats of the Mississippi

Okay kiddo, let me explain steamboats of the Mississippi to you in a way you can understand. A steamboat is like a big boat that uses steam to move it around. And the Mississippi is a really big river in America that flows from the north to the south.

Back in the old days, when people wanted to travel down the Mississippi, there were no cars or airplanes like we have today. So they used steamboats to go up and down the river.

These steamboats were really big and had big wheels on the back that spun around in the water to make it go. These wheels were called paddles. And inside the steamboat, there was something called a steam engine that used water and heat to make the paddles spin.

People used these steamboats to move goods and people up and down the Mississippi. They could carry things like cotton, corn, and wheat from one place to another. And people could ride on them to travel from one town to another along the river.

Steamboats of the Mississippi were very important back in the old days because they helped people and goods get where they needed to be. They were like big floating buses or trucks that could bring things and people to different parts of the country.