ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stencil code

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes when you want to color something, you might use a stencil to help you stay inside the lines? Well, stencil code is kind of like that, but instead of coloring, it's a way of writing computer programs.

When people write computer programs, they often need to do the same thing over and over again, but with just small changes. It can be very time-consuming to do this by writing out all of the code every time. That's where stencils come in.

In stencil code, instead of writing out all of the code every time, you make a stencil with some parts of the code left blank. Then when you want to use the code again, you fill in the blank parts with the specific information you need. This can save a lot of time!

But wait, there's more! Stencil code can also be used to make your programs more efficient. When your computer runs a program, it has to go through all of the code line by line. But if you use stencil code, you can tell the computer to skip over the parts you don't need to run every time. This can make your program run faster, sort of like taking a shortcut!

So there you have it, little one. Stencil code is a way of writing computer programs that uses stencils to save time and make your program run faster. Pretty neat, huh?