Step-growth polymerization is like building with Legos! You start with small Lego pieces (monomers) and slowly connect them together to make bigger structures (polymers).
Just like how Legos only connect in specific ways, monomers in step-growth polymerization can only connect with certain other monomers. And each time they connect, they release something called a small molecule, which is like throwing away the scraps from your Lego building.
This process goes on and on until all the monomers have connected together to make the final polymer structure. The polymer can be very long and strong, just like a big Lego tower you built with lots of tiny pieces.
And just like how you can make different Lego structures by using different types and amounts of pieces, different types and amounts of monomers can be used in step-growth polymerization to make different types of polymers with different properties.