ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stereotypes of East Asians

Okay, imagine you have a group of people who all look the same to you - they have certain physical features like straight black hair, small eyes, and yellow-toned skin. You might start to think that everyone who looks like them is the same, right? This is called a stereotype - when someone thinks that all people who look or act a certain way are the same.

This is what happens with East Asians - people who are from countries like China, Japan, and Korea. People might think that they all look the same, act the same, and have the same culture. They might think that all East Asians are really good at math, for example, or that all East Asian women are really submissive.

But the truth is, not all East Asians are the same! They might have different religions, different languages, and different customs. They might have different hobbies and interests, and some might be really good at math while others aren't.

It's important to remember that everyone is different, even if they look or act similarly. We should get to know people as individuals instead of making assumptions based on stereotypes.