ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sterilant gas monitoring

Sterilant gas is a gas that is used to kill germs and make things clean and germ-free. But just like any other gas, it can be dangerous if it's not used carefully.

So, to make sure everyone stays safe, people use a special machine called a sterilant gas monitor. This machine checks the level of the sterilant gas in the air and makes a noise or a light if the level is too high.

Think of it like a superhero that keeps everyone safe from the dangerous gas. Just like how a superhero uses their senses to detect danger, the sterilant gas monitor uses its sensors to detect how much gas is in the air.

When the monitor detects a high amount of gas, it makes a noise or a light to alert people to be careful and evacuate the area if needed. This helps keep everyone safe and healthy.