ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Stesichorus was a really old guy who lived a long, long time ago in ancient Greece. He was known as a poet and he wrote some really cool stuff. Back then, people didn't have TV or movies or even books like we have today. So, they would tell stories through poetry and that's what Stesichorus did. He would make up fun stories and tell them to people using rhyming words and music.

Stesichorus was so good at telling stories that people would gather around him just to listen to him speak. He was like a famous storyteller! In fact, some people say that he was so famous that he even got invited to perform for important people, like kings and queens.

Now, there's something really interesting about Stesichorus! You see, back then, people believed in gods and goddesses, and they would write stories about them too. But the stories changed depending on who was telling them. This made it really confusing because there were so many different versions of the same story.

Stesichorus was really smart though. He figured out a way to make things less confusing. He started writing down the stories he heard and made sure to tell them exactly the same way every time. This way, people would remember the stories correctly.

Stesichorus was so important to Greek history that people still talk about him today! Even though he lived so many years ago, his stories are still remembered and loved by people all over the world.