ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stevenson Plan

So, imagine you have a bunch of toys and you want to play with all of them but you can't play with them all at the same time because there are too many. You have to figure out a way to play with some now and some later.

The Stevenson Plan is kind of like that. It's a plan for how to use money to do things we want to do, like build roads or schools or help people who need it. But there's only a certain amount of money available. So we have to figure out how to use the money to do as much good as possible.

The Stevenson Plan was named after a man named Adlai Stevenson who was a politician a long time ago. He made this plan to help the government decide how to spend money.

Basically, the Stevenson Plan says that we should prioritize what we want to do based on how important it is and how much it will help people. So, things that are really important and will help a lot of people will get more money.

Then, we have to figure out how to use the money efficiently. That means using the least amount of money possible to get the job done well.

For example, say we want to build a road. We would have to figure out the best way to build it so that it lasts a long time and doesn't cost too much. We might also think about building it in a way that will help the most people, like if it connects two towns that don't have a road between them.

So, that's the Stevenson Plan. It's like figuring out how to play with all your toys by deciding which toys are most important and how to play with them in the best way possible.