Stickk is a website that helps people achieve their goals by making a commitment to it and putting money on the line. It works like this: Suppose you want to lose weight or start saving money, you go to the Stickk website and set up a goal. Then you decide how much money you're willing to put at risk, and who should get that money if you fail to achieve that goal.
For example, you could set a goal to lose 10 pounds in a month, and say you're willing to put $100 on the line. You can choose a "referee," who will verify whether you've achieved the goal or not. It can be a friend or family member or even someone you don’t know, who will regularly get updates on your progress.
If you reach the goal, you get your money back. However, if you fail to achieve that goal, the money is donated to a charity organization or any other person of your choice – the one you identified earlier. The idea is that losing your money to someone or an organization you don’t like, will motivate you to reach your goal.
Stickk is a fun and exciting way to challenge yourself to achieve your goals. It also involves the community around you, so they’re supporting you to achieve those goals. And if you fail, you’re still gonna help something awesome through the charity donation.