ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Stock certificate

Okay kiddo, imagine if I told you that you could own a small piece of a company, like owning a piece of a pizza. Well, that's kind of what a stock certificate is.

When a company wants to raise money, they can sell shares of ownership in the company to people like you and me, and in exchange we get a piece of the company. This is called owning stock.

When you buy a share of stock, the company will give you a certificate that proves you own a certain number of shares. It's kind of like a special piece of paper that says, "Hey, you own a part of this company!"

The stock certificate usually has the name of the company, how many shares you own, and sometimes a fancy design or picture. It's like a trophy, but instead of winning a game, you own a little piece of a company!

Nowadays, a lot of stock trading is done online, so you might not actually get a paper certificate. Instead, your ownership is recorded electronically. But if you do get a stock certificate, be sure to keep it safe like you would with any important paper, like a birth certificate or a report card.