ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Strangler fig

A strangler fig is a special kind of plant that starts its life by landing on another tree, like a bird does. It's like when you put a small plant inside a big pot to help it grow. But the strangler fig doesn't want to help the other tree - it wants to take over!

You see, the strangler fig is a very smart plant. It grows its roots from the top down, which is different from most plants that grow their roots from the bottom up. These special roots grow down and around the trunk of the other tree, getting bigger and stronger as they go. It's like the strangler fig is hugging the other tree really tightly!

As the roots keep growing and hugging, they become like a cage around the tree. They get thicker and stronger, squeezing the tree so it can't grow properly. The poor tree gets weaker and weaker because it doesn't get enough light or nutrients from the soil.

Eventually, the strangler fig's roots completely surround the other tree, cutting off its water and food supply. This means that the tree's leaves start to fall, and it becomes very sick. Eventually, the other tree may even die.

But here's the really cool part: once the other tree dies, the strangler fig is all by itself, but it looks like a very big and strong tree! Inside that big trunk is the old dead tree that it strangled. It's like wearing a tree costume!

Now the strangler fig can grow big and tall all by itself. It can spread its branches and leaves to get lots of sunlight and grow even more. And do you know what it does next? It can make little fruits called figs that birds love to eat. When the birds eat the figs, they fly away and poop out the seeds in another tree. So the whole cycle starts again!

That's how the strangler fig is like a sneaky plant that takes over other trees to grow big and strong. It's like a plant villain in disguise!