ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Streaming war

Ok kiddo, so telling a story is like playing with toys. Imagine you have a toy car, and you also have a toy truck. You like to play with both of them and have fun, right?

Now think about grown-ups. They also like to watch movies and TV shows, but unlike you, they can't just pick up a toy and start playing. They have to use something called a "streaming service" to watch their movies and shows.

Before, there were only a few streaming services, like Netflix and Hulu. But now, more companies want to join the fun and make their own streaming services, just like how you wanted to play with more toys.

The companies that own TV channels, like Disney and HBO, also want to make streaming services so they can show their own movies and TV shows. This means that if someone wants to watch one of those shows, they have to get that company's streaming service to do it.

This is where the "streaming war" comes in. All the companies want to make the best streaming service, so they can attract the most customers, just like how you want to have the best toys to play with.

They make their streaming services better by adding more new movies and shows, making it easier to use, and even making their own new shows and movies that only people who have their streaming service can watch.

So adults have to decide which streaming service they want to use based on what movies and shows they want to watch. It's like deciding which toy they want to play with, their toy car or their toy truck.