ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Structural family therapy

Structural family therapy is like a game of building blocks with your family. Imagine your family is a tower, but sometimes one block isn't in the right spot, and everything starts to wobble. A therapist helps your family figure out why the blocks aren't in the right spot and how to make the tower strong and sturdy again.

The therapist will ask you and your family questions like how does everyone in the family get along? Do you have good communication? Do you have enough time to spend with each other? Do you know what is expected of you in the family?

Based on your answers, the therapist will help your family rearrange your "blocks" by discussing things like roles and boundaries. Roles are like jobs in the family, such as taking out the trash or cooking dinner, and boundaries are like lines that help define where someone's responsibility starts and ends.

By playing this game of building blocks and figuring out how each person fits into the family structure, your family will become stronger and more connected.
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