Structuralism refers to the study of the structures or parts that make up living organisms, such as cells, tissues, and organs.
Think of your body as a puzzle with different pieces. Each piece has a specific shape and location that helps it fit together with the other pieces. These pieces are your organs such as your heart, lungs, and brain, and they work together to keep you alive.
Scientists who study structuralism are interested in understanding how these parts relate to each other and how they work together to form a functioning organism. They use a variety of techniques, such as microscopy and dissection, to examine these structures and understand their functions.
For example, they might study the cells that make up the heart to understand how they work together to pump blood through the body. They might also study the tissues in the lungs to understand how they exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide during breathing.
Overall, structuralism helps us understand how the different parts of our bodies work together to keep us alive and healthy.