ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Studied Space Shuttle Variations and Derivatives

Okay kiddo, have you ever seen a toy car with lots of different models and colors? Well, just like the toy car, space shuttles also have different models and types. They are like big spaceships that can fly into space and perform different tasks like sending satellites or people to the International Space Station.

When we say variations and derivatives, we mean different types of space shuttles that were designed for specific purposes. For example, some space shuttles were built to carry heavier cargo, while others were built for human spaceflight.

So, let's talk about some of the space shuttle types. The first type was the Enterprise, which was just used for testing purposes and never actually flew into space. Then, there was the Columbia, which was the first space shuttle to fly into space in 1981. The Columbia had a very important job of carrying scientific experiments into orbit for scientists to study.

Another type of space shuttle is the Challenger, which was built in 1983. The Challenger carried out many important missions, but unfortunately, it exploded during a mission in 1986. This was a very sad event for everyone who was watching.

The other space shuttles that were built were the Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour. They each had their own unique features and were used for different missions.

Now, when we talk about derivatives, we mean that the space shuttles were modified or upgraded to improve their performance. For example, the space shuttle Endeavour was upgraded with new software and hardware that made it more powerful and efficient.

So, in summary, there are different types of space shuttles that were built for different purposes, and some of them were modified or improved to make them better. Just like toy cars, each space shuttle is special and has its own unique features!