ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Subdivided flat

Okay, imagine you have a big pie, right? But you only want to eat a small piece of that pie. So you cut the pie into smaller pieces, like triangles or squares.

Now imagine the pie is actually a big building with lots of rooms in it. But maybe you don't want to rent the whole building, just one small room. So what you can do is take one of the big rooms and divide it up into smaller rooms.

That's what a subdivided flat is – it's a big room that has been divided up into smaller rooms, almost like a bunch of little pies made from one big pie. Each little room might have a door or a curtain to separate it from the others. And in some cases, people are renting just one of these little rooms, like a slice of pie, instead of the whole building.

But there are some things to be careful about with subdivided flats. Just like if you cut a pie into too many pieces, the pieces might end up being too small to actually enjoy, if you divide a room into too many little rooms, they might end up being too small or cramped for someone to really live in. And sometimes, people who rent out these little rooms don't always take care of them very well, which can be dangerous or unhealthy for the people who live there. So it's important to be careful if you're thinking about renting a subdivided flat.