ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Substance abuse prevention

Substance abuse prevention is all about helping people stay away from drugs and alcohol so they can live a healthier and happier life. You know how your parents tell you not to touch the stove because it's hot and you might get hurt? Substance abuse prevention is like that, but instead of hot stoves, we're talking about drugs and alcohol.

Some people think that drugs and alcohol are cool and can make you feel good, but they can also be very dangerous and make you sick. That's why we want to teach people about the dangers of drugs and alcohol and help them make smart choices.

One way we can do this is by talking to kids like you and teaching you about the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol. We might show you pictures of people who have gotten sick or even died from drugs and alcohol. We might also teach you about the chemical changes that happen in your body when you use drugs or alcohol, which can harm your brain and body.

Another way we can prevent substance abuse is by helping adults and teens learn better ways to cope with stress and problems. Sometimes people turn to drugs or alcohol because they're feeling sad, lonely, or stressed out. By teaching people healthier ways to handle those feelings – like exercise, talking to friends, or doing something creative – we can help reduce the risk of substance abuse.

We also work with schools and communities to create safe and supportive environments where people can talk openly about drugs and alcohol. This might involve setting up peer support groups, organizing after-school activities, or hosting events where people can learn more about substance abuse prevention.

Overall, substance abuse prevention is about keeping people safe and healthy by teaching them about the dangers of drugs and alcohol, providing them with better ways to cope with problems, and creating supportive communities that encourage healthy choices.