ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Succession to Muhammad

When the Prophet Muhammad died, his followers were left unsure of who should take over as their leader.

Some people thought that Muhammad's closest friend and adviser, Abu Bakr, should be the leader because he was wise and had always been a good friend to Muhammad.

Others thought that Muhammad's cousin and son-in-law, Ali, should be the leader because he was a close family member and had always been loyal to Muhammad.

There were also other people who thought that a leader should be chosen by the people through consultation and agreement.

After much discussion and debate, most of the Muslims agreed that Abu Bakr should be the leader. He became the first caliph (or leader) of the Muslim community after Muhammad's death.

This decision was important because it set the precedent for how Muslim leaders would be chosen in the future. Muslim leaders would be chosen by consultation and agreement among the community, with a preference for wise and pious individuals who had a connection to the Prophet Muhammad.