ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Succussion splash

Hey kiddo, do you know what a splash is? It's like when you jump into a swimming pool and make a noise. Well, succussion splash is kind of like that, but inside your belly!

See, your belly has a bunch of stuff inside it, like food, water and acid. Normally, these things just slosh around inside you quietly. But sometimes a doctor might want to listen to your belly using a stethoscope, to see if everything is working properly.

When the doctor presses the stethoscope onto your belly, they might hear a splashy noise. This is called a succussion splash. It means that there's a lot of liquid and gas sloshing around inside you, like when you shake a bottle of soda and hear the bubbles.

Now, if you have a succussion splash, it could be a sign of a few things. Maybe you ate too much or too fast, or maybe you have a blockage in your belly that's making everything back up. The doctor will need to take a closer look to figure out what's going on.

But don't worry, kiddo! A succussion splash might sound funny, but it's just your body doing its thing. And the doctor will be there to make sure everything is A-ok.