ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Suing for peace

Okay kid, have you ever had a fight with one of your friends and then afterwards you both said sorry and made up? That's kind of what suing for peace is like, but on a much bigger scale.

Sometimes, when two groups of people or countries are fighting, they can't seem to come to an agreement on their own. They might keep attacking each other and it seems like the fighting will never stop. When this happens, one side might decide to ask for peace. It's like saying they want to stop fighting and figure out a way to get along.

To ask for peace, they might send a message or letter to the other side, asking if they can have a meeting to talk things over. That's called "suing for peace." During the meeting, each side explains what they want and what they are willing to compromise on. They might make a list of rules or agreements to follow so they can peacefully coexist without fighting each other again.

If both sides agree to the terms, then they sign the list of rules and peace is officially declared! It's like a big, grown-up way of saying sorry and making up after a fight.