ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Summing localization

Localization is when people make something easier to understand for people who live in different parts of the world. For example, if a company makes a game or a website, they might want people in different countries to be able to play or use it too. But some things in the game or website might be confusing or not make sense to people who don't speak the same language or aren't familiar with the same culture.

So, to make it easier for people around the world to understand and use the game or website, the creators use a process called localization. This is like when your mom or dad explains something to you in a way that you can understand better.

Summing localization means that people are taking all the different parts of a game or website and figuring out how to translate them and make them easier to use for people in different countries. This includes things like changing the language so people can read and understand everything, or changing pictures or graphics to better fit with the culture or customs of certain areas.

Summing, in this case, means combining all of the changes or updates that have been made to the game or website to make it better for people around the world to use. It's like putting together all the pieces of a puzzle to make one big picture that everyone can see and understand.
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