ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Supercritical adsorption

Supercritical adsorption is when we put a gas and a solid together and the gas really likes being near the solid. It likes it so much that it changes into a very special form called a supercritical fluid.

Think of the gas like a group of animals that are looking for a new home. When they find the solid, they decide they like it and want to stay close to it. The solid is like a cozy house that they want to snuggle up to.

But this isn't just any kind of snuggling. When a gas becomes a supercritical fluid, it gets really dense and squeezes itself up against the solid. It's like all the animals are trying to fit into the same cozy house at once.

This squeezing helps the gas stick to the solid and become adsorbed onto it. The gas is stuck to the solid because it can't escape from the supercritical fluid form. It's like all the animals in our story joining hands to make a chain that can't be broken.

Scientists use supercritical adsorption to do all sorts of important things, like making better fuel or cleaning up the environment. It might seem complicated, but really it's just animals that like to snuggle up to houses and not go anywhere!