ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sustainable Development Goal 1

"Okay, kiddo, let's talk about sustainable development goal 1. Are you ready to learn?"

Goal 1 is all about helping everyone in the world have access to the things they need to live a healthy and happy life, without hurting the planet. This means making sure that people have enough food to eat, clean water to drink, a safe place to live, and good healthcare when they need it.

Sometimes, people don't have these things because they're too poor to afford them or because they live in a place where it's hard to get them. Sustainable development goal 1 tries to fix this by finding ways to help these people get what they need- and making sure the things they get are good for the environment too.

For example, instead of cutting down forests to make way for buildings or farms, sustainable development goal 1 might encourage people to use the land in a way that doesn't harm the environment- like planting trees or using sustainable farming methods. By doing this, we can help people have what they need without hurting the planet.

So, in a nutshell, sustainable development goal 1 is all about making sure that everyone has the things they need to live a good life without damaging the earth we all share. Pretty cool, right?"