ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sustainable consumption

Sustainable consumption is when you use things in a way that is good for the planet and can keep going for a long, long time without running out. It's like eating vegetables instead of candy - you know that vegetables are good for your body and will help you grow up big and strong, while candy might taste good now but won't help you in the long run.

When we say "consume" things, we mean using them up or taking them in. Like when you eat your vegetables, you consume them by putting them in your tummy. But consuming can also mean using things like toys, clothes, and electronics.

Sometimes people use things and then throw them away when they're done, even if they could still work for a little while longer. This is not sustainable because it means we're using up resources faster than they can be replaced. It's like eating all of your vegetables at once - you'll run out of them and won't be able to get more.

To be sustainable, we need to use things in a way that won't harm the environment or make it hard for people to get what they need in the future. For example, instead of buying new clothes every month, we can buy clothes made from sustainable materials like organic cotton that will last longer and won't harm the environment.

By being responsible with what we consume, we can make sure that we have what we need to live happy and healthy lives without hurting the planet or taking away from future generations.