ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Swaraj (book)

Swaraj is a book that was written by a man named Mahatma Gandhi a very long time ago. In this book, Gandhi talks about the idea of self-rule or self-governance.

So let's pretend that you have a toy that you really love playing with, and you want to be in charge of how you play with it. Swaraj is like that, but on a much bigger scale. Gandhi believed that people should be able to make their own rules and laws, instead of having someone else tell them what to do.

Gandhi also talked about the importance of everyone being equal and not being treated differently because of things like their skin color, religion, or where they were born. He believed that everyone should be able to live happy and healthy lives without being controlled by other people.

Swaraj is a very important book because it inspired many people to fight for their own rights and for the rights of others. Gandhi believed in peaceful protests and nonviolent action, which means that even though people were fighting for their rights, they did not hurt other people to get what they wanted.

Overall, Swaraj is a book about freedom and equality, and it teaches us about the importance of standing up for what we believe in.