ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Swedes (Germanic tribe)

Swedes were a group of people who lived a long time ago in a place called Scandinavia. Scandinavia is very cold and has lots of snow and ice. The Swedes were part of a bigger group called the Germanic tribe, which means they had some things in common with other groups of people who lived in Northern Europe.

The Swedes were known for being really good at sailing, and they used boats called longships to travel around and explore new places. They were also very good at fighting, and sometimes they would go to war with other groups of people to protect their land and their families.

One thing that was important to the Swedes was their culture. They had their own language, which was similar to the other Germanic languages spoken in the area. They also had their own gods and goddesses that they worshiped, like Odin and Thor.

Over time, the Swedes started to form their own kingdom and become more organized. They had kings who ruled over them, and they started to build cities and towns. But even though they changed and grew, they were still proud of their heritage and their history as a strong and brave people.