When you get a bump or a scrape on your body, sometimes your body fills that area with extra fluid to help it heal. This can make that part of your body look bigger than normal and feel a little bit squishy or puffy. This is called swelling.
Swelling happens because your body is really good at fixing itself. When you get hurt, your body sends a bunch of little helpers, called white blood cells, to the injured area. These little helpers fight off any germs that might cause an infection and help the injured tissue get better.
Sometimes, though, these little helpers can cause too much fluid to build up in the area they're working on. When this happens, your body gets a little bloated or puffy in that area. This is swelling.
Swelling can also be a sign that something is wrong with your body. It can happen if you hurt yourself, if you have an infection, or if there's something else going on inside your body that needs to be looked at by a doctor.
If you have swelling, it's important to rest the part of your body that's affected, put some ice on it, and ask a grown-up to help you decide if you should see a doctor.