ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, have you ever seen one of those things at the park that you sit on and swing back and forth? That's like a swingometer, but for elections!

You see, during election time, there are a lot of different political parties and candidates that people can vote for. A swingometer helps us understand how people might vote based on what they have done in the past.

Let me explain further. Imagine a room full of people, all wearing different colored shirts. Now, let's say that in the last election, 40% of people in the room voted for the blue party, 30% voted for red, and 30% voted for green. If we took all of those shirts and put them in a washing machine, then randomly pulled out one shirt, what are the chances that it would be blue?

Well, based on the last election, the chances would be 40%. But things can change in between elections. Maybe a new candidate came along and convinced some people to switch from blue to red. Or maybe people got really excited about the green party's new policies and changed their vote.

This is where the swingometer comes in. It helps us to predict how much those percentages might change. If the swingometer tells us that a lot of people are swinging from blue to red, then we might expect that the percentage of people voting for blue will go down and the percentage for red will go up.

So, in summary, a swingometer helps us predict how elections might turn out by analyzing how people have voted in the past and how likely they are to switch their vote to a different party or candidate. Just like how a swing in the park goes back and forth, a swingometer can help us see how people's political choices might swing from one party to another.