ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Sylvan Goldman

Sylvan Goldman was a man who lived a long time ago and he was very good at making things better for people who went to the store to buy things. He made a special cart that we use at the store called a "shopping cart" that helps us carry all the things we want to buy. Before Sylvan Goldman made the shopping cart, people had to carry a basket or a big bag in their hands while they walked around the store, which was really hard and heavy.

Sylvan Goldman saw that people were having a hard time carrying all their things and he wanted to help make it easier for them. He got an idea to put wheels on baskets so that people could push them around instead of carrying them. The wheels on the baskets allowed people to carry more items easily and quickly around the store.

But Sylvan Goldman didn't stop there. He kept improving the shopping cart by adding more wheels and making it bigger so people could carry even more things. He also put a special part on top of the cart where we can put our kids in it so they can ride along while we go shopping.

Thanks to Sylvan Goldman, we now have shopping carts that make shopping so much easier for us. We just need to push them around the store and put all the things we want to buy inside. We can even stop and rest on the way if we need a break. All of this is because of the great work of Sylvan Goldman who made shopping much more convenient and comfortable for all of us.