ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Okay kiddo, today we're going to talk about something called "symbel". This is a special word that comes from a really old language called Old English, that people used to speak a long, long time ago.

Now, symbel was a really important part of life for these people. You see, back then, they didn't have TV or computers like we do today. Instead, they would spend a lot of time hanging out with friends and family, telling stories and singing songs.

And whenever they did this, they would often have a big feast to go along with it. This was a really special time, when everyone would come together and share food and drink, and have a really good time.

But there was one thing that made these feasts even more special, and that was something called "symbel". Symbel was a kind of ritual that people would perform during these feasts, to show their love and respect for one another.

Basically, what would happen is that everyone would take turns standing up and making a toast, or a speech, to someone else at the feast. They might say something like, "I raise my glass to my friend John, who is always there for me when I need him."

And then, everyone else at the table would raise their glasses as well, and they would all drink together to show that they agreed with what had been said. This was called "drinking to the toast".

Now, symbel wasn't just about making toasts to each other. It was also about showing respect to the gods and goddesses that people believed in back then. So sometimes, people would make a toast to a particular god or goddess, and everyone would drink to that as well.

Overall, symbel was a really important part of life for these people, because it was a time when everyone could come together and celebrate their friendships, their families, and their beliefs, all while enjoying good food and drink.
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