Okay kiddo, do you remember when we went for an oil change for our car? The mechanic asked us which kind of oil we wanted and there were two types of oils - regular oil and synthetic oil.
Synthetic oil is just like regular oil, but it's made in a different way. You know how you sometimes mix things together to make something new like when we made slime by mixing glue and borax? Synthetic oil is kind of like that. It's made by mixing together different chemical compounds to create a special blend of oil.
The reason people use synthetic oil is that it lasts a lot longer than regular oil. It's like having a toy that lasts for a really long time without breaking, like your favorite doll that you've had for years. Synthetic oil lasts longer because the chemicals in it don't break down as quickly under high temperatures or pressure, unlike regular oil.
It's also better for the environment and can improve the performance of the car, making it run smoother and more efficiently. Think of it as giving your car a special kind of food that helps it work better for longer!
So when you're choosing between regular and synthetic oil at the mechanic's shop, just know that synthetic oil is a special kind of oil that lasts longer and helps your car run better for a longer time.