ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

T cell

T cells are like tiny superheroes in our body that keep us safe from bad guys like viruses and bacteria. They are part of our immune system, which is like an army that protects our body from germs that can make us sick.

T cells come in different types, but they are all very important. Some T cells are like detectives that can recognize bad guys by their appearance. They have special sensors on their surface that can detect strange or unfamiliar things in our body, like viruses or bacteria. When they find a bad guy, they alert other T cells to come and help fight the danger.

Other T cells are like soldiers that can attack and kill bad guys directly. They use special weapons called receptors that help them to stick to the bad guys and destroy them. They also help to recruit other parts of the immune system to help fight off the infection.

T cells are very good at recognizing and fighting off infections, but sometimes they can make mistakes and attack healthy cells in our body. This is called an autoimmune disease, and it can make us very sick.

Overall, T cells are superheroes that keep us safe from infections and help us stay healthy.