ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

TALON (database)

Okay kiddo, a talon database is like a big box with lots of little drawers in it where you can put things. But instead of putting toys or clothes in the drawers, people put information in them. This information can be things like names, numbers, or even pictures!

Just like when you go to play with your toys, you need to know which drawer to open to find the toy you want to play with, when people want to find a specific piece of information in the talon database, they need to know which drawer to look in.

The person in charge of the talon database can organize the drawers in different ways to make it easier to find the information they need. They can also add new drawers or take away old ones if they need to.

So, in short, a talon database is like a big box with lots of little drawers where people can put and organize information to easily find it when they need it.