ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

THE multiprogramming system

Ok kiddo, so let's imagine you're playing with your toys and you have lots of toys to play with. It can be hard to know which toy to play with first, right? That's kind of like how a computer works with programs. It has lots of "toys" (programs) to play with and it needs to figure out which one to play with first.

A multiprogramming system is like a very smart grown-up who helps the computer decide which toy to play with first. The grown-up knows which toy is the most important or urgent, so they tell the computer to play with that toy first. Then, while the computer is playing with that toy, the grown-up looks at the other toys and decides which one should come next.

This helps the computer be very efficient and get lots of things done quickly. It's kind of like if you had a friend come over to play with you and you both decided which toys to play with together. It's more fun and you get more done!

So, a multiprogramming system is just a way to help a computer be smart with how it uses its programs, like how a grown-up helps a kid be smart with how they use their toys.