ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

TIARA (database)

Imagine you have a big box full of toys, but you can't keep track of them all in your head. So, you make a list with the name of every toy and where you put it in the box. Now, you can easily find any toy you want by looking at the list!

Now, let's say that instead of toys, we have information about things like people's names, phone numbers, and addresses. Just like with the toy box, it would be hard to remember all of that information in our heads. That's where a database like Tiara comes in - it's a big computer program that keeps track of all of that information for us.

In Tiara (and other databases), we create something called a table for each set of information we want to keep track of. So, we might make a "People" table with columns for each person's name, phone number, and address. Then, we can add rows to the table for each person we want to keep track of.

Just like with our toy box list, we can search through the table in Tiara to find a specific person or piece of information. And because Tiara is a computer program, it can help us do things like sort the data or make calculations based on the information in the table.

So, in short, Tiara is a big computer program that helps us keep track of lots of information in an organized way, just like making a list helps us find our toys!