ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Table of keyboard shortcuts

Alright buddy, do you know what a keyboard is? It's that thing with all the letters and numbers on it that you use to type, right? Well, a table of keyboard shortcuts is like a special cheat sheet that tells you how to do certain things on your computer without using your mouse.

For example, if you want to copy something, you can press the "Ctrl" key (that's the one with the squarish symbol on it) and the "C" key at the same time. That's called a keyboard shortcut. You don't have to click on the "Copy" button or right-click and select "Copy" anymore. You can just use the keyboard!

There are lots of other keyboard shortcuts you can use too. You can use them to open programs, save files, switch between tabs, and lots of other things. You can even use keyboard shortcuts to control the volume on your computer!

A table of keyboard shortcuts is just a list of all the different keyboard shortcuts you can use. It tells you what keys to press and what they do. So if you need to remember how to do something without your mouse, you can check the table and find the shortcut you need.

It might seem kind of tricky at first, but once you start using keyboard shortcuts, it can save you a lot of time and effort. So don't be afraid to try them out and see how they work!