ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tai Hang

Tai Hang is a neighborhood in Hong Kong where people live and work. It's a place with lots of buildings and shops, and it's been around for a long, long time.

One of the things that makes Tai Hang special is a big tradition that happens there every year. It starts with a long time ago when Tai Hang was just a small village with lots of farmers. The farmers noticed that their crops kept getting eaten by a big snake that lived in the nearby mountains.

So the villagers got together and decided to do something about the snake. They made a big dragon out of straw and bamboo and paraded it through Tai Hang to scare away the snake. And it worked! The snake never came back, and the dragon became a symbol of good luck and protection for the village.

Nowadays, Tai Hang still celebrates this tradition every year during the Mid-Autumn Festival. They make a new dragon every year that's even bigger and more elaborate than the last. Hundreds of people work together to build it, and even more people come to watch the parade. It's a really special event that brings the whole community together.

So, in short, Tai Hang is a neighborhood in Hong Kong with a cool tradition involving a giant dragon that scares away snakes and brings good luck to the village.