ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Tailings are like the leftover crumbs after you finish eating a cookie. Except instead of cookies, this is what's left after mining for things we use like metals or rocks.

When you dig up the ground to look for these things, you also get some other stuff mixed in, like dirt or rocks that don't have what we want. This stuff is called "ore," and we need to separate it from the good stuff we actually want.

After we take out the good stuff, we're left with the leftover dirt and rocks. This is what we call tailings. It's basically a big pile of leftover stuff that didn't have what we wanted.

The problem with tailings is that they can be harmful to the environment. They often contain chemicals and other stuff that can pollute the land, air, and water around them. So, we have to be careful with what we do with tailings and make sure they don't hurt the environment.