ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Taoism is a religion and philosophy that started a long time ago in China. It’s all about living in harmony with nature and the universe. In Taoism, there’s this thing called the “Tao”, which is like a way or path that everything in the universe follows. People who follow Taoism believe that they should follow the natural flow of the Tao and not try to force things to happen.

Another important part of Taoism is the concept of balance. There are two forces in the world, yin and yang, and they need to be in equal balance for everything to work properly. Yin is like the quiet, passive, and feminine force, while yang is like the active, strong, and masculine force. Taoists believe that by finding balance between these two forces, they can find peace and harmony in their lives.

Taoism also teaches about being kind and respectful to others, and about living a simple life. It’s not about having a lot of money or things, but about being content with what you have and being happy with yourself. Taoism has many beautiful teachings and traditions, and it’s a lovely way of looking at the world.