ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Taiwan Miracle

Okay kiddo, let's talk about the Taiwan Miracle! A long time ago, Taiwan was a poor country where many people didn't have enough food or money to live comfortably. But then something amazing happened - the Taiwan Miracle!

The Taiwan Miracle is the story of how Taiwan became a very successful and rich country in a short amount of time. It happened because the people in Taiwan worked really hard and made some very smart decisions.

First, they focused on education. The government made sure that all children went to school and got a good education. This meant that people in Taiwan had the skills they needed to work in good jobs and make money.

Second, they started building factories to make things like electronics, clothes, and toys. This meant that people in Taiwan had work and could make money by selling these things to other countries.

Third, they made sure that everyone had access to good healthcare, so people could stay healthy and continue working hard.

Because of these things and more, Taiwan became a very successful and rich country. People in Taiwan now have plenty of food, great healthcare, and lots of cool gadgets to play with - all because of the Taiwan Miracle!