ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tamil grammar

Tamil grammar is like the rules of playing a game. Just like how there are rules to follow while playing a game, there are rules to follow while speaking or writing in Tamil language. These rules help people communicate with each other clearly and in a way that makes sense.

For example, in Tamil language, we usually have to add a certain sound or letters at the end of a word to show if it is in the past or future tense. It's like adding a color to a picture to show if it was done yesterday or if it will be done tomorrow.

Another rule in Tamil grammar is to use different words for different people or things. For example, we use a different word to refer to our mother, our father, or our friend. This is like calling your mom "mom" and your friend "buddy" - you wouldn't call your mom "buddy" because it doesn't make sense.

Tamil grammar also has rules for sentence construction. We usually put the subject (who or what the sentence is about) first, then the verb (the action being done), and then the object (who or what the action is being done to). So, if we were talking about a cat, we would say "The cat is drinking milk," not "Drinking milk is the cat." This helps us understand the sentence better.

Overall, Tamil grammar is like following a set of rules to speak or write in a way that everyone can understand. By following these rules, we can communicate with each other effectively and express ourselves clearly.