ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Tang poetry

Okay kiddo, let's talk about Tang poetry. Tang was a time a long time ago, kind of like a different world in China. And the people of Tang time wrote poems, which are kind of like long, beautiful songs that they would write by putting a bunch of special, pretty words together.

Now, these poems were super special because they could describe things like nature or love or sadness in a really special way. The poets would use words in a way that made everything sound even more beautiful than it already was, and it made people feel all sorts of emotions when they read or heard the poems.

Tang poetry was also special because it was written a very long time ago, but it still feels relevant today. Even though we use different words and live in a different world, the feelings and emotions that the poets wrote about are things that we still feel now.

So there you have it, Tang poetry is like a beautiful, special way of describing things using words, and even though it was written a long time ago, it still feels special and important today.