ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Task parallelism

Okay, so imagine you have a big pile of toys to clean up in your room. Instead of doing it all by yourself, you can ask your siblings or friends to help you. That way, you can all work together and get the job done faster!

This is kind of like task parallelism. When your computer has to do a lot of things at once, instead of doing them one by one, it can split up the tasks and work on them all at the same time.

Let's say your computer needs to download a bunch of files, send an email, and play music all at the same time. Instead of doing each one separately, it can split up the work into smaller tasks and work on them all at the same time. This way, everything gets done faster, just like cleaning up your toys with help from your siblings or friends.

Task parallelism is like having a big team of helpers to get things done more quickly and efficiently!