ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Team conflict

Okay kiddo, have you ever been playing with your friends and there was a disagreement about what game to play or how to play it? That’s kind of like what team conflict is.

When grown-ups work in a team, sometimes they might not all agree on things. Maybe they have different ideas about the best way to do something, or they have different opinions about what’s important.

Just like with you and your friends, sometimes these disagreements can lead to team conflict. People might get mad or frustrated with each other, and it can make it hard for the team to work together.

But there are ways to deal with team conflict. Grown-ups can talk to each other and listen to each other’s ideas. They can try to find solutions that work for everyone. And even if they can’t agree on everything, they can still respect each other and work together as a team.