Hi there! Do you know what a technical drawing is? It's like a picture of an object that has all the details and measurements shown very clearly. Technical drawing tools are the things that people use to make these pictures.
One of the most important tools is called a ruler. It's a long, straight piece of plastic or metal that has tiny lines all along it. These lines help you measure things very precisely, so you can make sure your drawing is just right.
Another important tool is a compass. This is like a circle-making machine - you stick one end of it into the paper and then move the other end around to make a perfect circle. You might need to use it to draw wheels, or other round things in your drawing.
There's also something called a protractor. This lets you measure angles - kind of like how your teacher shows you how to use your fingers to measure right angles when you're learning about shapes. Using a protractor just makes it much more accurate.
Finally, there are some special pencils that technical drawers use. These are called drafting pencils, and they have very hard graphite in them that makes very light lines. This is great for technical drawings because you want the lines to be very thin and precise.
So, those are some of the most important technical drawing tools - rulers, compasses, protractors, and drafting pencils. Are there any other tools you can think of that might be useful for making technical drawings?