In ancient times, people didn't have fancy electronics like we do today to make music. But during the Song Dynasty, which was a long time ago in China, people were still able to make beautiful music using things like bells, drums, and flutes.
They would use wooden blocks called chimes that would make different sounds when hit with a stick. These chimes were arranged in a certain order so that they would make a beautiful tune when played together. It was kind of like playing a giant xylophone!
They also had big bronze bells that were important for religious ceremonies. These bells were really heavy and required a lot of skill and strength to play. They were rung by hitting them with a giant wooden hammer, and the sound they made was really deep.
Drums were another important musical instrument during the Song Dynasty. They were made out of animal skin stretched over a wooden frame, and people used them to keep a steady beat for dancing.
Finally, people played flutes during the Song Dynasty. These were made out of bamboo or wood and were played by blowing air into them. They had holes along the length of the instrument that could be covered or uncovered to create different notes.
So even though they didn't have fancy technology like we do today, the people of the Song Dynasty were still able to make beautiful music using simple instruments like chimes, bells, drums, and flutes.