ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Teeming and lading

Okay, so you know how sometimes when you pack your backpack for school, you put a lot of things in it and it gets really heavy? That's kind of what teeming and lading is all about!

Teeming and lading is a really old-fashioned way of putting things onto a boat. It's like packing a giant backpack with a lot of stuff. But instead of a backpack, it's a boat, and instead of pencils and books, it's things like spices, fabrics and metals.

First, people would get all the things they wanted to put on the boat and put them in one big pile. This is called teeming.

Next, they would use a special machine called a crane to lift up all the things in the pile and put them down into the boat. This is called lading.

Once everything was on the boat, it was ready to go on an adventure across the sea!

Nowadays, we usually load things onto boats in a different way, since we have machines that can do it way faster and safer. But it's still cool to think about how people used to pack boats like giant backpacks.